Raeeka Yassaie, Leslie Tate, Hanging Bandits, Open Door.
Berkhamsted Live Goes Green, is our Great Big Green Week eco-show featuring inspiring songs, voices & music by:
- Four-piece, indie/folk group Hanging Bandits
- BURP (Berkhamsted Ukulele Random Players) our local Ukulele Band & The Open Door Community Centre
- Richard and Leslie, poetry with music.
And eco/community talks by:
- Alli from The Refill Pantry about her experience of California drought/fires
- Naomi and Rushna describing the activities run by Herts Asian Women’s Association (HAWA) & Herts Covid Recovery Ethnic Diverse Project (CRED)
- Raeeka on renewables.
Sept 24th 19.30-21.00 Civic Centre 161 High St Berkhamsted HP43HB. Free. Part of Berkhamsted Town Council’s Great Big Green Week celebrations.
Book your seats at lstate@btinternet.com