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“Thank you both so much for coming yesterday and for your fascinating talk. It was very much enjoyed by our members – in fact your visit has given me an idea which I shall put in our next Newsletter. I think there may be other people like me who have written a lot (short stories

Meg Jones, Haxby and Wiggington U3A 24 August 2015

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“Thank you for coming and giving us such an enjoyable session. I’ve had very positive feedback from my group already.”

Meg Gardner Petersfield U3A Creative Writing Group 24 August 2015

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“I enjoyed your talk and so did the audience judging by the number of questions afterwards, and I really liked the way it evolved naturally into a general discussion and reminiscence session about the sixties over tea and biscuits!”

Jenny Mainwaring, Chesham Library Manager 24 August 2015

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“Thank you for talking to us on 3 June. I am sure you have inspired many of us to put pen to paper. I’ve lost count of the number of people who have told me they would love to write a book. With your help and guidance they can now get started.”

Cynthia Haynes, Walsall U3A 24 August 2015

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“Just an email to say thank you for the presentation you and Sue gave us last Thursday. It was an inspiration to meet you both and you left us with much food for thought and discussion.”

Anne Newhaus, Harlow Writers 24 August 2015

Leslie writes:
Working with my wife, Sue Hampton, our talks and workshops focus on:

  • What makes a good book?
  • What inspires original, creative work?
  • How do authors relate to music and art?
  • What’s the difference between poetry and prose?
  • Who are the most interesting modern writers?
  • What voice and point of view does an author or poet use?
  • How does language and character shape plot?
  • How do writers make us pay attention?
  • Why write?

We use pictures, music, handouts and discussion to offer a varied and multi-sensory approach to fiction and poetry. We stress the ‘feeling’ side of fiction, aiming to engage both readers and writers, while giving insights into language, character and technique.
We have also given several creative presentations at festivals.

Get in touch if you want to know more.